Food may be one's worst nightmare and a main source of energy, crucial for survival at the same time. 

We live in a society that promotes being skinny as an incredibly good thing and makes people with normal figures or people with a few extra pounds feel less of those who may be on the skinnier side. We are surrounded by calories on a daily basis and it is not easy seeing how much have you actually ate when you ate that chocolate. 

Our society promotes weight loss, makes us feel less than we are because of the way we look. It just isn't right. It lowers our self-esteem, makes us dislike our body. I have struggled quite a lot with my self-esteem and body image in the past and I am still trying to accept the way I look.  It certainly isn't easy and looking at let's say Instagram models or models in general that are defining beauty in today's society is not making it easy for me. 
But what if we didn’t care what society thinks? What if we tried to forget about crazy model standards and just focused on our personal growth. I think that would be beautiful, purifying. I believe that I, struggling with my body image and you, reading this both have the power to embrace ourselves. To own our bodies and learn to love ourselves the way we are. 

Please, never forget that you are worth more than the number on the scale. 
Xoxo, Neža
