GLOW UP part 3; lack of motivation

Lack of motivation is something that happens to all of us. You get excited about something, you make decisions about it and feel like you're on top of the world. But when that rush of adrenalin coming from starting something new fades away, you get stuck. To be honest, I got stuck.  I thought it would be the perfect time now to start glowing, as I have lots of time. But the thing is, you can't force a glow up. I made myself happy when I wasn't, ate healthy when my body craved some sweets, forced myself to do school work when I didn't feel like it..  I know it doesn't sound like much but all those small things add up and you end up being miserable. So listen to your body and when lack of motivation or a crave for something sweet or laziness comes, instead of ignoring it and putting up with it, approach it.
 I don't want to tell you to be lazy and eat unhealthy, but in small controlled amounts it'll do you a favour. 
Eat that cookie (or whatever you’re craving)   and move on with your life.

It won't make you gain weight as it only is one cookie, but it will satisfy you and your cravings and so it won't evolve into a binge.

Same goes for laziness. Let's say you've been working for school the whole day but haven’t finished yet. You can continue working into the evening but that'll only made you tired and unproductive. Instead a better option would be to go watch a movie or read a book. 

You'll relax and the next day you'll fell more productive. As of lack of motivation- it happens to all of us. Right now it is happening to me and honestly it is hard getting through it. But as said before, we got this. Take a day off, do things that make you happy, remind yourself why you are doing the things you do and just breathe.  I ensure you things are going to be okay. 

Till next time, here are some songs to make you feel better:

Lots of love, Neža <3


  1. Everything in moderation I think is key. It can be difficult to stop the apathy once it gets a grip. Listening to upbeat music can make such a difference. Even doing something unusual like a 30 minute drawing challenge with friends. It is great that you are sharing your journey. I hope having a broader audience keeps you motivated.


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